Princess Anne Signature

Photograph taken from one of the Visitors’ books from the Country Club of the signatures of Princess Anne and her then husband Capt. Mark Phillips, signed on March 31st, 1987 while attending the opening of the new Swayne Adeney factory on School Street.

Country Club Guest Book

Country Club membership was decided by application followed by an interview with Mr Tothill. Not everyone who applied was accepted. Any non-member had to sign the Guest Book and be introduced by a member. On this page Mr Holman, of the village shop, a member has...

Vicarage, College, Country Club, Bishop’s House

In this photograph of the front of the building the Vicarage is now the private residence of the de Bruyne family who owned the Swaine Adeney leather goods factory behind School Street. It was variously named Hall Yard, Chesterford Hall and finally Bishop’s...

Vicarage, College, Country Club, Bishop’s House

When the college closed in 1937 Mr Tothill kept the ownership and in 1947 opened it as a Country Club.  Membership was decided by an application followed by an interview.  The photograph shows Mr and Mrs Tothill playing croquet on the lawn. For more information on the...

Vicarage, College, Country Club, Bishop’s House

Photograph of the Vicarage in its second incarnation as Chesterford College, a cramming college for well-heeled young men preparing for entry to Oxford or Cambridge.  Started by the Rev Robert Doble with the help of Richard Tothill, it had 16 bedrooms and charged 60...