Ration Book

Child’s Ration book from the First World War belonging to Mary Carver, a daughter of Ralph Carver living in Church Street, Great Chesterford. It is dated 1st November 1918. Ration books were essential during the war due to the shortage of food caused by enemy...

War Memorial Dedication Service

In November 1920 villagers gathered in the churchyard for the unveiling and dedication of the War Memorial. For information on the men whose names appear on the Memorial see, Chesterfords at War, by John French, Brian Linford and Catherine McManus, available for...

War Memorial Dedication

Order of Service for the Unveiling and Dedication of the War Memorial.   The Dedication took place on November 14th 1920 in the churchyard. For more information on the Memorial and on those whose names appear on the cross see ‘Chesterfords at War’, by John...

King George’s Letter

Letter from King George V sent to every soldier who had been wounded in the First World War.