Brochure and entry form for the Great Chesterford Horticultural Society’s Annual Flower Show which was held on Thursday July 14th 1927 in the grounds of Chesterford House by kind permission of Col. and Mrs A.W. Stanley. The Society was founded in 1883. The first few pages contain lists of committee members and subscribers with payments made ranging from 1/- to £10. There are two pages of very detailed accounts followed by the constitution and a set of rules. Participants had to pay an entrance fee of 2/6 as it was open to all-comers. In the schedule of entries and prizes e.g. for 6 tubers of four distinct varieties of potatoes, first prize was 6/-, 2nd prize was4/- and third prize was 3/-. The publication was sponsored by several local companies whose adverts on each page are a guide to the shops and trades in the village and include many well-known names, Perry, Choppen, Holman, Hill, Searle, Barrett, Abraham, and Peppercorn.
Photograph, Publication