High Street – Surrey Cottage

Photograph of Mr Surrey standing outside his cottage next to Chesterford House on the High Street. It was demolished when the land was sold off for housing. Mr Surrey was a lime-burner working at the lime pit off Walden Road. The cottage was lived in by Arthur Halls...

High Street

Photograph taken around 1920 of the top of the High St showing on the left had side The Plough when it was an alehouse with Mr Halls bootmaker’s shop and home on the left and Plough Cottage at the other end where Billy Mason the village ratcatcher lived....

High Street

The High Street looking west taken around 1920. On the left is Turner’s Farm then The Shieling and two cottages which have been demolished. The chimney of Geldarts can just be seen in the distance. Top right is Southacre Cottage, later to become the village...