Pilgrim Brewery Site

Photograph of the brewery, Dunlop, Swaine Adeney site in the 1990s before it was demolished. The maltings tower remains in the garden of The Close.

School Street

Photograph of School Street taken in 1909. On the left side Mortimers, the Old Maltings and Magnolia Cottage, on the right the school wall and Peppercorns Farm (now Peppercourt) in the distance.

School Street

Print of a line drawing of School Street by Stanley Roy Badmin, 1939. On the left is Mortimers with the Old Maltings in the centre. On the right hand side is the cottage where the surgery now stands.  The school wall remains the same today.

Village Shop – Loveday’s

Mr and Mrs John Loveday owned the shop on School Street from 1985-1997, now the only shop in the village. Beside it is a good view of Marigold Cottage one of the oldest houses in the village.

Village Shop – Burt’s

Mr R. and Mrs H.I. Burt took over the village shop on School Street from Mr Kemp in 1970 until 1985, ending the Thurgood consortium. At this time the shop still accommodated a Post Office.