Fire Brigade – Steam Engine

T & H King’s manual fire engine used during the Little Chesterford fire. It took almost an hour to get there by which time much of the village had been destroyed.

Chesterford Cup

The cup was presented to the men of the Great Chesterford Branch of the National Fire Service after the ammunition dump explosion at Chesterford Park on 30th May 1944 by Dr and Mme Werner Gothe, owners of the Park. This side of the cup reads – “To...

Chesterford Cup

The Chesterford Cup was presented to the men of the Great Chesterford Branch of the National Fire Service after the ammunition dump explosion at Chesterford Park on 30th May 1944. This side of the cup reads – “Presented by  Dr and Mme Werner Gothe of...

Fire Brigade and Motorised Engine

The latest addition to the Chesterford Fire Brigade, a motorised version still commanded by Arthur Halls. On 30th May1944 it was used at Chesterford Park when a munitions dump exploded (see IR4 Disaster at the Park, by Janet Clark, available for purchase from the...

Fire Brigade – Manual Fire Engine

In 1931, Mr Arthur Halls was Section Leader of the Chesterford Fire Brigade. The manual engine was an improvement on the old steam engine. It was kept at the Old Engine House on St John’s Cross, opposite the shop and would have been pulled by four horses from...